Saturday, March 26, 2016

Playing with paper and paint....

The other night I folded up a piece of paper and wondered what would happen if I cut into it and unfolded it... what I got was a pleasant surprise! It was so fun to see the design appear!  I felt like a kid in kindergarten, and went on to make a few more.  Then I decided to go on to do some experiments with paint, using my gelli plate, and the paper designs.  I thought I would show you the things that I made...they aren't finished pieces, just fun experimentation to see what happens when combining things together.

Here is my design cut into a folded piece of 8.5x11 printer paper... and the full unfolded piece, and some pictures of the painted and combined designs...
Thank you for visiting and taking a look at my artwork!

 I added some oil pastel to this one to accentuate the colors